Equipping Classes

Our equipping classes are designed to provide the necessary tools to foster growth in the knowledge of God and his Word and to fuel affection for Christ and his people. These classes are offered as a supplement to evangelism and discipleship in the church.

Christianity Explored

Join us for an exciting journey through Christianity Explored—a class that takes you through the Gospel of Mark. Whether you're new to Christianity, exploring faith, or looking to deepen your understanding of the message of Jesus, this class is for you.

This class meets on Sundays from 1 to 3 pm at The H Dubai Hotel.

register to attend

Men's Cohort: Pastoral Epistles

Men of Redeemer, join our in-depth study in the book of 2 Timothy! This series is designed to deepen your understanding of key biblical principles for the church and its leadership. This class meets on Tuesdays at 7 pm in CommerCity.


Singles' Seminar

Singleness is both a challenge and a blessing that God uses for his glory and our good. In our world, we often measure our worth by relationships, but God has called his people to find their identity, contentment, and fulfillment in Christ alone. Our prayer is that as you make plans to attend this seminar, God will use it for your spiritual growth and as a reminder of why waiting on the Lord is worth more than anything a relationship can offer.

Join us from 2 to 4 pm at The H Dubai Hotel on January 26 as we seek biblical wisdom, encouragement, and fellowship rooted in the sufficiency of Christ. 


Marriage Seminar

Marriage is God’s established institution, designed to display the love of Christ for his bride, the church, and to bring glory to his name. It is an enduring covenant that has existed both before and after the fall, though Genesis 3 reminds us of the devastating effects of sin on God’s perfect design. Despite its challenges, marriage remains a sacred union rich with blessings.

Join us from 2 to 4 pm at The H Dubai Hotel on February 2 to explore the challenges and blessings of marriage and discover why it is the most important covenant established by God for mankind. 


Register Your Interest

Equipping Class for Bible Study Leaders

This class is designed to equip and train study leaders with the tools and vision to effectively guide community and Bible Study groups, fostering spiritual growth and strong relationships within the church body. By the end of this class, you will have a clear understanding of how to lead a community group that is rooted in truth, focused on spiritual growth, and committed to reaching out to others.

To register your interest for this class, please fill the form by clicking the button below.
A starting date for the class will be decid
ed once registrations are received.